Make the difference
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Student Council

Your Student Council

Our school is a community that is made up of stakeholders. These stakeholders include; the School Principal, the Trustees , the Teachers, and many others including the Students. One of the ways in which students can use their voice as a stakeholder is through the Student Council. The Student Council enables pupils to become involved in the affairs of the school, working in partnership with school management and staff for the benefit of the school and its students.

The student council is governed by the Student Council Constitution. This sets out the rules for how your Student Council operates, how elections are held, how often meetings are held etc. Before the Student Council Constitution was written Student Voice Forums were held with representation from each year group including both Student Council Members and Non-Student Council Members. The Constitution was written with reference to the key guidelines issued by the Department of Education and Skills: “Student Councils: A Voice for Students”, and it can be accessed in full on the school website under the Student Voice heading.

The council does so much for students and is a great way for us to get involved with further organisations, like the ISSU which is our national student’s union
— Matthew Ryan, Head of the Student Council 2019/20.  ISSU Welfare Officer 2020/21

How to get involved

Elections are held on the 3rd Friday of September each year.

  • All students are welcome to nominate themselves as student council representatives. Just get the signature of any nominating teacher and put your name forward. 

  • If we have more candidates than places available, the class will vote to elect their representative. 

  • The Student Council Representatives elect a Student Council Head, Deputy Head, Secretary and Communications Officer.