Make the difference

Board of Management

Role of the Board of Management

The Board of Management represents democracy and participation in the management of St. Francis College and is a real and genuine expression of partnership at a local level.  The Board has a clear remit to manage the school on behalf of the Trustees, in accordance with legislation; Department of Education and Skills (DES) circulars, guidelines and procedures; and any policies or strategies that the Voluntary Secondary School sector may establish regarding the operation of its schools. 

The primary role of a board of management is one of governance. Governance is about providing direction and oversight for a school while ensuring that the rights of all members of the school community are upheld and that the school is accountable for its work. 

The Board must also uphold the characteristic spirit (ethos) of the school and is accountable to the patron for so doing. The principal is responsible for the day-to-day management of the school, including providing guidance and direction to the teachers and other staff of the school and is accountable for that management.

Composition of the board

The Board of Management consists of eight persons, made up as follows:

  • Four members nominated by the Trustees of the School, one of which will be appointed chairperson

  • Two parents / legal guardians of children currently attending the school, elected by parents / legal guardians whose children also currently attend the school

  • Two teachers, elected by all the current pro-rata contracted, non-casual part-time, job-sharing and current full-time teachers on the staff of the school on the date of the election.

Following their nomination or election, all eight members of the Board are appointed by the Trustees. Trustees, parents and teachers should take account of gender balance when nominating or electing members of the Board.

The Principal acts as Secretary to the Board but is not a member of the Board and has no voting rights.
The term of office of the Board is three years. It expires on the 15th day of October in the third year after the date on which the Board was first set up.